Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Blind Cockatiel Cage Set Up

When I got him home, I scrubbed his new cage and went about setting it up.  My approach was since flying is a hazard for him as he crashes and he climbs everywhere testing with his beak then instead of my normal approach to a cage set up (as wide as possible perches and toys at the sides leaving plenty of flight space), I would got for a smaller cage, than I would normally put a cockatiel in (60cm wide x 40cm deep x 45cm high)  I placed a long ladder on one end at the back, a calcium perch in the middle at the front with a large rope swing next to it within reach, and on the other side at the back a spiral rope perch (boing). 
We then monitored him in his cage taking notes of how he got around.  First we noticed he needed the ladder and perches closer than recommended for a Cockatiel to the cage sides as he didn't like to reach too far for footing and didn't like climbing on the wire.  So we adjusted this.
All I had read was not to make changes to cage set up, So my wish is to have it just right within 4 days of him coming home and then never change it.
I placed a homemade shredding toy with a ball bell on the end near his ladder, but he hates it so out it goes.
Next we noticed the boing was a issue as he could climb up but not down, but his ladder he went up and down no worries, so out it came to be replaced by a rope perch in the corner and another smaller ladder.
Today I noticed he hates the swing (thought he loved the rocking movement of the car on the drive home), so out it came and the calcium perch spacing is too far from the corner, so Tomorrow I am off to find a short Gum, Bottlebrush, Grevillia or Melaluca branch that is the right thickness and add it in and move the calcium perch a little.
I will be changing him into a slightly wider cage but its been delayed, it will be 76cm wide x 45cm deep and 45cm high as since he keeps his tail inwards and climbs all around the the cage his food and water has to go in the middle and the perch and ladder requirements mean he is at risk of pooing in his food and water.
We have found toys are not needed as he can't play with them and they just scare him, all he needs are perches and ladders.

Photos to come


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello, I have searched everywhere for info about setting up a cage for my blind cockatiel. My baby is only a month old right now and I am hand feeding him/her along with a nest mate who is not blind. In a few weeks I plan to put Peanut the blind baby into the new cage I purchased especially for her. Thank you for your blog and the information I have learned so far from you. And especially for pictures of cage set ups! I hope Chewie is doing well.
